What types of products are best for international wholesaling?

Based on the search results, here are some types of products that are best for international wholesaling:

  • Products with high demand: Wholesalers should choose products that are in high demand in the international market[6]. This can help ensure that there is a large customer base for the products and that they will sell quickly.
  • Products with low shipping costs: Wholesalers should consider the shipping costs associated with the products they are selling, as high shipping costs can eat into profits[1]. Products that are lightweight or compact may be more suitable for international wholesaling.
  • Products with high profit margins: Wholesalers should choose products that have high profit margins, as this can help offset the costs associated with international wholesaling, such as logistics and customs[3].
  • Products that are not easily perishable: Wholesalers should choose products that have a longer shelf life and are not easily perishable, as this can help reduce the risk of spoilage during international shipping[1].
  • Products that are not subject to strict regulations: Wholesalers should consider any regulations or restrictions that may apply to the products they are selling, such as import/export regulations or safety standards[6]. Products that are subject to strict regulations may be more difficult to sell internationally.

In summary, products that are best for international wholesaling are those with high demand, low shipping costs, high profit margins, longer shelf life, and are not subject to strict regulations.

Citations: [1] https://www.econstor.eu/bitstream/10419/157660/1/The%20Role%20of%20Wholesalers%20in%20International%20Distribution.pdf [2] https://www.shiprocket.in/blog/wholesaling-vs-retailing/ [3] https://multivariants.com/blog/understanding-the-benefits-of-wholesale-business/ [4] https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/encyclopedia/Val-Z/Wholesaling.html [5] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/w/wholesaling.asp [6] https://multivariants.com/blog/best-wholesale-products-to-sell-in-2022/


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